Spring time is near! I got really excited because I saw these trees with blossoms that looked really beautiful! Yeah, I'm a spaz, but that's not
my problem. I really like spring, and I guess all the other seasons too....but I especially like all the greenery and flowers that bloom in spring.

A strange order to put then in, yes, but, you can not say that these are not pretty!
This is because that would make you a
Other than that, I only want to share some of the pictures I captured at the park where Reine and Adryan live, but it really bothers me that I live so far away from them, and I don't have a park or pool in my neighborhood... ENVY! If I did, I'd spend most of my time on the giant swings, because whenever I jump off, for just a second I feel like I'm flying-right up until dream crushing reality lands me on my feet. So I have to go back to the swing and swing high again, which is hard, considering I usually find some insane way to get tangled up in the chain.
Its sad really.
Any way, most of you know that my mother is in France, I really missed her the first few days she was gone, but then Reine talked some sense into me and now I just can't wait for her to bring us souveneirs!! I really wish she brings french clothes and Morracan bags!
I guess I really do miss her, and I help myslef to her jacket every mourning when it is cold outside, because a few days ago I lost my jacket somewhere at home, so I wore hers to school, and when I got back from school, I saw it behind my closet door. But I really liked her jacket so I didn't bother using it. Also because it is getting slightly warmer for spring, so I shouldn't wear my overly thick purple winter jacket anymore, I would hardly wear that when it was 34 degrees outside-beleive you me.
Ever sinse I was talking with Reine at the sleepover we had,(it ended today), I feeel as though I need to post longer blog posts. She said she didn't really like the short blog posts, no offense, but I understood, because I really love reading her long posts. So, she told me how to extend it a little bit, so...CHESS!
I am questionably cold, for me, I don't usually ge cold, but when I'm cold, I'm COLD. Only after I was getting in the car to go home from Reine's house, my stomach got really queasy, so the whole ride I felt terrible and clenched my stomach. When I finally go home, I got freezing all of a sudden, like, one second I was luke-warm, the next I was frigid, with goose bumps crawling up my arms and legs. I don't really know why, so I threw on my mom's jacket and curled under a blanket, moaning to my self because of the pain in my stomach. So I am still unreasonably cold now, but I can't remember were my moms jacket is-ok its on the couch, not in arm length distance away, so I am too lazy to drag my feet 5 feet to the couch.
Oh well. I'll freeze to death.
If I was at Reine's house, it would either be really hot in her house, so no reason for a blanket or jacket, or Reine would get up and get me something. Which sort of makes me feel guilty. I make someone else get up from their comfortable warm spot to get something that I could have gotten myself. I feel that was especially when I am at my friend Stella's house, because we often watch movies, so I curl up in a blanket as she gets the snacks, puts in the movie, and gets a blanket for herself. I take advantage of people's kindness.
I am a baad bad person.
I should be ashamed of myself. Mostly because I know my friends, and they want to be lazy just as much as I do. Ok, it is official. The next time I go to Stella's or Reine's, I will help out and be THOUGHTFUL!
Or if I get them over at my house.
Well it is almost time for dinner, so I have to go.
Love you all,
Au revoir!