Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Important Questions!

       You can punch a hole in an apple using a straw. How do you think that makes your milkshake feel?

This is a colon: and this is a semi-colon; - what's a semi-truck?

Which is easier to make a model airplane out of and why: a banana peel or a wet sock?

Describe the sound of a moist waffle falling onto a hot griddle.

Chicken monkey shoes?

If there's no I in team, why is there me in meat?

When you've got water stuck in your ear, how do you get it out?

You've successfully slain the dragon! How will you toast your marshmallows?

Do you believe that forks are evolved from spoons?

What would you wear for camouflage if you were hiding in a gingerbread house?

Paper or briefs?

Well, maybe they don't need them, but don't you think that some fish might like a bicycle?

You've just inherited a manufacturing plant that specializes in plastics. What are you going to make?

For your birthday, your aunt gave you a maple syrup dispenser shaped like a rooster. Please write her a thank-you note:

If your whole body were a hot air balloon, would you stop eating spicy food?

The love potion you made tastes terrible. How will you drink it?

Your hand has been replaced by a rubber stamp. What does it say?

The squish of mud between your toes; how would you live your life as a frog?

You have to dig a hole to China. Where do you start?

When you hesitate before hitting snooze on your alarm clock, are you being lazy?

When you open your eyes underwater, do you ever worry that you'll drown?

You're going to the moon! What did you forget to pack?

The children are waiting! Please tell them the story about the bald frog with the wig:

That can't really be a fish you're standing on, can it?

If you were a cannibal, what would you wear to dinner?

If you were a pirate, how would you avoid laughing when saying 'poop deck'?

What's the earliest you've gotten up to watch cartoons and what did you see?

Which do you prefer and why: whittling with soap or whistling with wood?

Sponges and tongues are frequently misspelled. Is it because both are thirsty?

Compose the lyrics to a new national anthem that features an animal sound at least once:

You've got to make contact with the alien leader. How will you tell when the conversation is finished?

Create a tag line for a new line of plastic bed sheets.

Whoops! Your tongue is now a magnet. Whatever will you use for silverware?

Your people want to make a statue in your honor. What will it be made out of and what victory will it commemorate?

Try making up the rules to a game where you tie knots in a yo-yo string just to see if you can get them out:

Never mind the turtle. Don't you think you're sure to win?

Why does the color blue mean raspberry-flavored?

Your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. How will you maintain your secret identity?

What did you dream when you ate a spider while sleeping?

What reason do you have to believe the earth is flat?

Please describe how you could take the peel off an apple all in one go:

What spells can you cast with magic markers?

How is an ankle unlike a consequence?

If blueberries are purple, then are purpleberries blue?

Quick! It’s your mother’s birthday and you forgot to make her a present. All you have is tooth picks and olive pits. What can you make her?

If there isn’t why in life, than why is there why in wise.

Why is that foot on your ceiling?

What did the fourth piglet, Harry, make his house out of to shelter himself from the Big Bad Wolf? Can you guess?

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