Saturday, April 23, 2011

The 200 Page View Mark!!

       SOME ONE MUST BE READING THIS BLOG RIGHT NOW, BECAUSE MY  PAGE VIEW MARK WENT FROM 198 TO 200!!!!!! Thank you dear readers, for being SO interested in my blog. CHESS!! I thank you all. I am going to celebrate.


Voting Polls and Why I Like them.

       Now, this isn't going to be a very long post, because I am only going to congratulate myself on one particular thing.

My voting poll I put up two weeks ago!

Sadly, only five people voted, including myself--twice-- so three people voted (other than myself) and the results were:

Do you like my blog?

Yes [100%]
Sort of [0%]
Kinda [0%]

So there you have it! AWESOME!! I don't know who voted though, because it doesn't say but If I could, I would congratulate all of my voters and give them a consolation prize!!

Au revoir, readers. Hope to read to you soon.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day!

Earth Day! Lets all come together and save the planet!

The three 'R's
Reduce, Reuse , Recycle.

Join in on the fun!

Turn off lights, unplug Tv's and car pool. Only flush when you need to, take shorter showers, and go plant a tree!

Give back what you took from the planet.

Go outside, enjoy the veiw. Eat an apple. Plant the seeds in your yard. Something!



Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Poptarts and Cats all in One

       Exiting! Right? Right! The topic should be on your mind all hours of the day.Random, yes, but in the midst of math class, I got hungry. I remembered the poptart wrapper I had to pick up the other day when I had to clean the kitchen. That thought led to my peice of paper on my desk, which I had rainbowatized with my scented markers, as I usually do, which led to the thought of magic, who would try to bite my scented markers whenever I left them out. Which let to the thought of the pictures of my cat saved on my computer. Which led to the thought of the internet. WHICH led to the thought of the song "The internet is made Of cats" , which led to the thought of cats. Which, incidentally, led to the though of when Magic almost ran outside when it was night time. Which led to the thought of Adventure time. As a result, that led to the thought of Lady Rainicorn.

Random, right?

       You must be thinking that I can't keep one subject in my head. Or, you are just saying "What the heck is this leading to?". OR you are just silently laughing to yourself as you continue to read.
       Which ever suits you.
       But soon, all of you brain capacitating thoughts will all be answered. Its simple really. All I did was combine all of my thoughts.

What do you see?

Well, here is what I saw:
       Don't ask me how, or where I got this picture from, but do enjoy it.
A cat. With the body of a pop tart. Flying through the night sky. Leaving a trail of rainbows. Fantastic.
 Are we agreeing now? I hope we are.


Comment all you like.

Au' revoir, my dear readers.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Pie Day

       During school, in fifth period, (Reading Class) I was instructed to read a Magazine called Current Events. One of the articles I notices was all about the mathmatical Pi symbol. You know, #.14, or 3.141592654, and so on, its a prteey long number, no need to type it all. Oh, yes, back to the subject. It stated many facts about pi.

       Did you know, that the celebration for the mathmatical number of Pi, was [celebrated] on March 14, Can you guess why?
This was the actual picture in th article,
which I looked up easily thaks to good old google search.

       Seriously, can you guess why? Because I know the answer! Post your guess in a comment, and I will be giving the right answer once all my readers guess!

Farewell,dearest readers.


       What more can I say? I am a domo fan. Another great thing to get me for my birthday:
I want a Domo backpack!
Geez, well aren't I needy?
        I guess that I don't need this...
OK, moving on....
       I know, fellow readers, that I do not post very often. But I try. I can only post when my family isn't around....well, because...its a secret. I know how much trouble I'd get in, but I just enjoy blogging random unnecessary information! To send enjoyment to my few readers, and to express my opinion on matters! Is that wrong? Should I only express my thoughts in a book, sitting in the corner in my room, where no one could listen or understand my problems? IS THAT WHat i'M SUPPOSED TO DO?! OK, I know I am being a little melodramatic, but i have a sneaking suspicion that I am suspected of having a blog. Damn conscience. Any way, I have decided to post a question on my blog every week, and the answers will be recorded and blogged in a short paragraph about. For example, this week's question is:

  Do you like my blog?
d.kind of

       It is a pretty basic question, so I want a straight forward answer.
Not much to ask,right?
Good. Now on to other matters.
       I am going to start leaving notes in "My" Person's locker. Notes that say a few things, like "Place  this sticker on the locker of the person you like(I put a sticker In the note)" Is that too much? But I know he knows were my locker is, he passes me every day after art class.I got the idea when some one put a sticker on my locker, probably just to get rid of it, and of coarse they didn't know it was my locker, just some locker nearby--probably, but that is a good way for him to possibly say he likes me. POSSIBLY!!


Anywho, I am trying to make the commitment to type at least twice every week, and base ball season is starting again, so my house will be empty every now and then. So read my blog, check it a little more often please people, and leave as many comments as you like, its one way for communication, so I would appreciate it.

Thanks for reading,
I hope you enjoyed it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


What makes me oh so dearly LOVE and OBSESS over

       Who knows, but I can only say that I think ADVENTURE TIME is the BEST show and the most EXZILERATING!!You know, I really want a Finn hat, or an Adventure time poster, or something like that. Let that be a heads up for my thirteenth birthday fellow readers!Eh, why wait till then? GIMME GIMME GIMME!!! I am proud when I sy I am obsessed to Adventure time.

Yes, its an honor.

The only problem to Adventure time, is that I have to remember to turn on the TV at 8:00 on monday. I always remember that I should've turned the TV on at 8:54. Monday just isn't my remembering day. And that is a realistic excuse. I havn't seen at least five episodes of  Adventure time, because I always forget. No--you know what would be AMAZING? If I had Adventure time on DVD. You know, one of those boxes that has 4 or 5 disk cases, and each disk has 6 epsodes on it? Well I want---no, I NEED that. ITS A NESSESITY!!!!!!


Now, onto other matters.

 I feel the need to create my own religion. I know I am an applecoughleopensdeecat, but I think its time for me to move on. I think I will warship Adventure time, the creators of Adventure time, and the guy who invented duct tape (Richard Drew).Eh, and sure. The guy who invented the sticky note.

I can keep that with me.

So, any ideas for my new religion?


Other than that....

How do I put perfection into words?
The person I like, well, I have this small voice inside my head that saiys: "He likes you back!"
Every time I think about him, I can't stop smiling, my heart beats too fast, and I get this really 'alone' feeling, in the pit of my stomach.

Am I the only one?

Well in art class, we had a few moments with each other, so I think I'm gonna make a quick summary of em'.

1.Recently, he had finished his art project a little early, so he was asked to help theteacher with some plaster boxes(he was supposed to smooth out th eplaster before it dried), and he accadentally got some plaster on his new shoes(Really cool for sneakers by the way, they were smooth looking white, with blue soles) so he called over to me and asked if I could wipe it off his shoe. (I was only a table away, and the other students hadn't finished yet, but I had too.) So, i got a paper towel, and-yes-I bentdown and wiped off his shoe.
Gah! Well before yo comment, he had plaster all over his hands so he couldn't do it himself. BUT, before I did,the guy I know likes me said "Why don't you do it your self?" In a tone that you could tell he was jelous, whichmade me smile.But I still wiped off the shoe anyway.

2.A little less recently, both him and I were done early wit hour art projects, so the art teacher sent us off around the entire school to look for art work hanging in the hallway. We had to find the art work and check it off of a list. Meaining, we walking through the eighth grade hallway, the sixth grade hallway, the seventh grade hallway, the cafeteria, and the rest of the school together. GAH! MY heart was beating so fast, and I couldn't stop smiling to myself.

3.Today, 4/6/11, my art teacher has a room in the art room, where bad students sit to exclude them from the rest of the class called "The box". My art teacher wanted to finally have a sign for it so we both him and I went into a sign making contest. I won. Yes! And before we finished he smiled at me and said: "So you are my competition." GOODNESS GRAVY!!!

Ok, before my heart explodes I am going to stop talking about him.

Ok, love you dear readers, here are a few adventure time photos to finish this post.

Goodbye! :L