Saturday, April 23, 2011

Voting Polls and Why I Like them.

       Now, this isn't going to be a very long post, because I am only going to congratulate myself on one particular thing.

My voting poll I put up two weeks ago!

Sadly, only five people voted, including myself--twice-- so three people voted (other than myself) and the results were:

Do you like my blog?

Yes [100%]
Sort of [0%]
Kinda [0%]

So there you have it! AWESOME!! I don't know who voted though, because it doesn't say but If I could, I would congratulate all of my voters and give them a consolation prize!!

Au revoir, readers. Hope to read to you soon.


  1. The consolation prize is.... BEING AWESOME!!!!!
    Or a hug....
    Or both.....
    Whichever suits you.

  2. I voted, as a joke i was going to say i hated it, just to mess with you, but it wouldn't let me vote again :P. Love you Chick
